Worrisome Male Organ Bumps Might Be Lichen Planus}

Submitted by: J Dugan

Proper attention to good male organ health requires frequent checking for possible signs or aberrations, including the sudden appearance of male organ bumps. Many men find the presence of male organ bumps worrisome, fretting that they may indicate the presence of a social disease. Often, however, the bumps have less serious causes, one of which could be lichen planus.

What is lichen planus?

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition that can occur on the skin or in the mouth. When on the skin, as with the manhood, it presents typically as small, raised bumps with a flat top; occasionally there are little white veins striating the bumps. The coloring tends to be reddish, but purple is not uncommon. In some instances, especially on the head of the member, they may have a more whitish hue.

Lichen planus tends to look very scary, especially when it appears on the male organ. In most cases, a person will also have an outbreak of lichen planus elsewhere on the body perhaps the legs or the arms or the torso. This may at least have the effect of calming a man down somewhat: he may assume that if it has appeared beyond the member, it lessens the chance that this is a social disease.


But if its not a social disease, how did he get it?


Thats a good question and one for which there is not an equally good answer. Its not something a person catches from someone else which is also good news, as it means he doesnt have to worry about passing it on. Instead, its the result of an autoimmune disorder, meaning that for some reason the body starts attacking its own skin cells. This is what causes the male organ bumps to appear.

Its thought that certain chemicals or ingredients may cause this, but its not clear which ones. And there does seem to be an association with lichen planus and some diseases, such as hepatitis C.

Is it dangerous?

Lichen planus is considered a benign disorder, one that doesnt cause any real damage. It does tend to be very itchy and can cause the skin to dry out; in some instances the bumps may become blisters, especially if they are scratched frequently.

If a man is especially sensitive about the appearance of his manhood, the male organ bumps caused by lichen planus may cause him distress or anxiety. In some individuals, this can be significant. Also, they may disrupt a mans sensual life. If the bumps are tender, friction from sensual activity may cause some pain and may discourage a man from engaging in sensual play.


Lichen planus usually goes away on its own, although in some cases that may take several months. A doctor may recommend a variety of treatments, including antihistamines, cortisone, or a form of light therapy.

Because the male organ bumps associated with lichen planus may bring about a dry skin condition, doctors also may recommend that moisturizers be used to relieve dryness. With that in mind, it may be especially fruitful to use a top drawer male organ health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) which can not only moisturize the manhood but attend to general overall male organ health issues as well. It is crucial to select a crme that has a combination of moisturizing ingredients, ideally a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and an excellent natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Together, these can create a moisture lock that can help seal in moisture and revitalizing oils that keep the skin supple. In addition, the crme should include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. The antioxidant will help battle free radicals, which if left unchallenged will promote oxidative stress, which in turn weakens and ages the male organ skin.

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for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.



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