By Brett Barrington
Have you ever wondered what the biggest and most popular sites on the web are? Well you shouldn’t wonder because you probably already know what they are. Here is a list taken from Alexa’s ranking system that is 100% correct. Alexa is a website monitoring/ranking site that is extremely accurate and is a good way to check the progress of your blog or website.
The Ten Most Popular Websites are –
1. Google – Google has become the number one search engine site in the world. They get the most traffic everyday. I personally have them as my homepage and I’m sure 90% of all Internet users use them at least a few times a week.
2. Yahoo! – Yahoo used to be number one, but recently in the past few years lost it’s lead to Google. Yahoo is a fantastic search engine and is known as a top search engine competitor.
3. Myspace – Everyone who is Hip has a Myspace. It’s a great way to stay in contact with friends and a great time killer. Tom(the owner) must be filthy rich now.
4. YouTube – Who doesn’t visit YouTube when there bored? YouTube just recently in the past two to three years became so popular. It’s a great site to host home made videos on and has millions of postings of every category you can think of.
5. Facebook – Facebook is getting very close to myspace status. Facebook is a little bit more mature looking than myspace and is directed toward college students mainly. I prefer Facebook over myspace.
6. Windows Live – Well windows live has been around a long time, but now it contains many different things, from Hotmail accounts to online video game accounts, Live is all about Microsoft.
7. MSN – A good search engine and ISP. They have been around a while and are still maintaining one of the top websites, good job MSN.
8. Wikipedia – I truthfully never go to Wikipedia unless Google takes me to it when I’m trying to find help for college work, but it’s a great informational site with listings about almost everything.
9. Ebay – The top Internet auction site, I’m surprised it’s not higher on the list. People make their livings off this site and it has established it’s name as the number 1 Auction site ever.
10. AOL – I’m actually surprised people still go to the AOL website. They used to be the best ISP out, but it has been a while since I’ve heard anything from them. Although I do use AIM (AOL instant messenger) it doesn’t require me to go to their site much. Congrats AOL for still being top 10.
Okay so we have covered the top ten, if you would like any more information about your site or the other sites under rank 10, then please check out my website ‘technology-article-blog.blogspot.com’. Remeber the internet is an amazing place and anyone who is dedicated can make a decent living off of hard work. Don’t give up and hopfully one day you can become the next Google.
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