Here’s An Opinion On:
Submitted by: John Schofield
Buying a car should be done with utmost care. You need to do some research on prices and rebates especially for second hand cars Leeds, choose among car dealers, choose a vehicle, make financing agreements and negotiate with the dealer.
Prices and Rebates
Luckily, the consumers now have the access to prices and rebates data with the help of the internet. There are even some websites that would help you compare much easier.
Choose a good car dealership. You can most likely access their invoice prices. Look at them and give enough attention to the hidden parts of the deal. You should look for the car dealers just like the way you would do to find a good car. It is highly recommended that you read some blogs. More and more people are sharing their experiences through blogs. It is a good way to know personal experiences of other people with a particular car dealer. It is also one of the best ways to know if there are complaints about the services of some car dealers.
The car dealers may have the same price offers but you would surely want to know which one gives the best service. For instance, you can contact three local car dealers through email. You will find that one will be responding faster than the others. You should also evaluate how much information a car dealer would give. Send these car dealers with the same message. They would surely share varying amount of information.
In 2011, the top 10 selling vehicles include the Ford F-Series, Toyota Camry, Chevy Silverado, Toyota Corolla, Honda Accord, Toyota RAV4, Nissan Altima, Ford Fusion, Honda Civic and Ford Focus. You will find that these vehicles are not the only great buy if you will widen your search.
Some expert buyers say that you can save more money if you will not finance the car using the car dealers financing options. It will be much easier if you will go to an outside bank or lending company. Other banks might give you a lower interest rate.
You should also be patient when buying a new car. The sales person would surely spend hours convincing you to pay $21,000 when you say you are willing to spend $20,000. They are trained to do that. Be polite to turn down offers that do not match your budget. Leave if you do not have much time to waste.
Freebies or Extra Expenses
You should also beware of the extra offers and add-ons. For instance, some dealers would offer alarm systems and installation services. This is legitimate but you should know that some vehicles already have it installed. You may want to change your choice of vehicle. Some features are better turned down. The sales person may offer an alarm system and will claim that it is just right for your vehicle and it will have a good warranty.
When choosing a vehicle from car dealership Leeds you should also look for the freebies and discounts. You may be able to save a lot of money and the dealer may be offering free servicing for one year or a discount for oil changes. Some may even give car accessories for free.
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