Submitted by: Dr. Fredda Branyon
How Alternative Cancer Treatment can help those living with Lung Cancer
Lung cancer involves abnormal cell growth in the lungs, part of the overall respiratory system. While doctors cannot explain why one person may develop lung cancer and someone may not, there are several factors that can lead to the development of lung cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, people who smoke tobacco are at the greatest risk for developing lung cancer because of the harmful substances that are inhaled when smoking cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. Individuals exposed to radon are also at risk for developing lung cancer. Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in soil and rocks, although it cannot be seen, tasted, or smelled. Sometimes radon is found undetected in residential homes. People who work in mines may be exposed to radon, increasing their risk for lung cancer development. Other substances thought to be factors in the development of lung cancer are asbestos, arsenic, nickel, soot, and tar, among others. People that have had an immediate family member diagnosed with lung cancer are at risk, along with those who have already had a personal history of lung cancer. The risk of developing a second lung cancer is greatly increased after being diagnosed a first time.
There are several alternative cancer treatment options for people diagnosed with lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, the staff works diligently to create an individualized alternative cancer treatment plan that will help build the immune system and suppress the several symptoms associated with lung cancer, including shortness of breath, constant chest pain, fatigue, cough, wheezing, and frequent lung infections like pneumonia. Lung cancer can be diagnosed in several ways. First, a physical exam is performed by a doctor, where he or she checks for general signs of health, and examines the lungs for fluid and normal breathing. Second, a chest x-ray may be performed. This would show abnormal fluid or tumors in the lungs. Last, a CT scan may be performed to examine and take pictures of the lung tissue and other tissue inside the chest. The CT scan can also reveal abnormal fluid, tumors, as well as swollen lymph nodes. The only certain way to determine whether a person has lung cancer is by having a pathologist examine samples of cells or tissue taken from the lung. After a thorough analysis, the doctor would then be able to determine if a person had cancer, and if so, what type of cancer was present.
New Hope Medical Center offers alternative cancer treatment options for both types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer involves only 13 percent of lung cancer cases and tends to spread quickly throughout the lungs. About 87 percent of lung cancer cases involve non-small cell lung cancer, which spreads more slowly than small cell lung cancer. At New Hope Medical Center, located in Scottsdale, AZ, personalized lung cancer treatment options are available for those seeking help. The alternative cancer treatment center hires only the most experienced doctors and staff, and works diligently to ensure each patient is receiving only the best alternative cancer treatment care.
About the Author: Dr. Fredda Branyon collaborates with international experts in continually improving existing protocols. Their treatment strategy incorporates the best modalities of both worlds mainstream and alternative according to individual needs.
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